Energy consumption is critical in any type of Industry (Petrochemical, Steel, Cement works, Automobile, etc.). iNERGY Monitor provides detailed real time information on consumption of different processes, installations or factories to improve the production costs thanks to the monitoring.

Tertiary Sector (Buildings, Shopping Malls, ….)
In the sector of Shopping Centers, Offices, Banks, Public Administrations, Hotels, Transportation, etc., most of the consumption is derived from the use that people make of the energy. iNergy Monitor simplifies energy management helping to correctly impute consumption and generating significant savings. iNergy provides a vision, both individual and unified, of all the centers and make comparisons, obtaining indicators and metrics in real time.

In mining, energy costs usually have a greater impact on production costs. Remote metering is the fundamental step for proper energy management. iNergy Monitor was designed to help with energy savings in companies of this type, reducing costs as the environmental impact is reduced.

Smart City
In smart cities, it is vital to use technologies that allow generating data derived from energy consumption. This emphasizes the importance of controlling, monitoring, storing and being able to manage large volumes of data to obtain better energy efficiency.